Polaris launches The Soundshield


Polaris Communications is an Australian company that designs, manufactures and distributes high quality headset products. For over 32 years, Polaris has held its position as a telecommunications market leader specialising in corded, wireless, and PC headsets, alongside acoustic protection devices for headset users, conference phones, analogue office phones and a range of accessories. In 2014, Polaris was recognised as an ABA100 Winner of the Australian Business Award for Product Innovation.

The Soundshield 4G Acoustic Safety is uniquely designed headset that provides users with the highest level of acoustic protection and high-definition sound. The Soundshield 4G uses a two-pronged approach to acoustic safety: it protects users from long-term exposure to loud noise and also protects headset users from acoustic shock injury. The Soundshield Wireless Headset is an extension of the Soundshield 4G, which is uniquely designed for contact centres and is the world’s most acoustically safe wireless headset with the longest talk time of any wireless headset – more than 13 hours. Unique features of the Soundshield headsets include a large colour touchscreen, Total Shriek Rejection to illuminate the risk of acoustic shock injury, exportable sound data capture and a power ‘brown out’ protection circuitry ensures that headset users are not at risk of acoustic shock even during a storm.