PwC capitalizes on the digital age.


PwC uses its global network of firms to help Australian governments, businesses and non-for-profit organisations evaluate their performance and increase efficiency. The organisation has grown from a one man accountancy practice in 1874, to an internationally connected organisation employing 6000 people nationwide. In 2015 PwC has been recognised as an ABA100 Winner for Innovation in The Australian Business Awards.

Team members come from a range of backgrounds, with business, law, arts, accounting, tax economics, engineering and health professionals providing an energetic and inspirational workplace that’s able to offer a range of services to its customers.

PwC is a multi-functional organisation that provides consulting, deals, legal services and taxation advice to its clients. PwC Innovation and Ventures team are connected with a network of universities and research organisations locally and globally.

The purpose of the team is to address the challenges that Australian businesses face in the New Digital Economy.

The Innovation and Ventures team realises that future revenue growth and accelerated innovation is critical for long term survival, and as such its primary function is to identify new revenue opportunities.

Digital innovation has a direct effect on customer behaviours, the PwC Innovation and Ventures team uses the information it gathers and provides it to businesses, particularly ones with traditional business models to assist them in expanding in the digital age.