Innovative internet technologies coming out of Netcomm.


Netcomm is responsible for Australia’s first dial up modem, and these days is a leading developer of wireless 3G and 4G broadband products. In the 33 years it has been around the company has established itself as an innovator and pioneer in the communications industry.

The company provides Wireless to Machine, Rural Broadband, and fixed line services. In a bid to develop a smarter approach to M2M and rural broadband technologies, Netcomm set out to make its service more accessible for individual needs.

The company has developed 3G and 4G technologies that meet the needs of the NBN broadband network, as well as other high speed internet services. In Dubai one of their technologies is being utilised to monitor intelligent traffic systems remotely in real time and in New Zealand one of its routers is being applied in a tour bus to provide passengers with high speed internet whilst they tour around. Another technology that Netcomm has produced includes a device that measures the impact of acoustic events on marine life.

These innovations have led to Netcomm being recognised as an ABA100 Winner for Innovation in The Australian Business Awards 2015.