Baiada Poultry: Turkey isn’t just for Christmas


Baiada Poultry is a family owned and managed business employing over 4,000 people. Founded in 1943, Baiada Poultry is Australia’s largest poultry producer accounting for 39% of the poultry market. Baiada is the proud producer of Lilydale free-range chicken and in 2009 acquired the iconic Steggles poultry brand.

A range of Steggles Turkey Shortcuts was introduced in May 2012 to Coles with five products – burgers, mince, marinated kebabs, seasoned shanks and a seasoned turkey thigh roast. Baiada employed several marketing tactics to promote the health benefits of turkey and the everyday availability of the range. In 2013, the launch was supported with a TV campaign to coincide with the broadcast sponsorship of the Australian Open and a pop-up Steggles Caravan where people could sample turkey burgers for a gold coin donation to go towards the Steggles Charity Nest. Coles coupons were also handed out with special offers. In 2014 three new ads were designed to educate consumers that turkey is not only for Christmas, to highlight the lean aspect of the meat and demonstrate the convenience of cooking turkey.

The marketing efforts marked Baiada Poultry as an ABA100 Winner for Marketing Excellence in The Australian Business Awards 2014. The decision to introduce a daily range of fresh turkey products has not only been beneficial to the everyday utilisation of turkey meat, but also proved popular with the consumers as an alternative protein in weekly meal plans.