Tri Nature unveils high-performance, eco-friendly laundry powder


Established in 1989, Tri Nature is an Australian-owned and manufactured company offering natural alternatives to household and personal care products that pose no threat to Australia’s ecology and fauna. All materials and packaging used for the sale of Tri Nature products are sourced to adhere to strict recycling policies.

Tri Nature was recognised as an ABA100 Winner for Best Eco Product in The Australian Business Awards 2014.

Alpha Plus Laundry Powder was developed to provide a high performance product for household laundry that also achieved significant safety and environmental advantages.

The algal blooming and eutrophication in inland waterways and lakes is considered to be a worldwide environmental problem, with the phosphate found in normal laundry powder products a major contributor to this problem. The phosphate replacement technology used in Alpha Plus, combined with the absence of toxic, caustic or chlorine compounds, creates less strain on waterways.

In terms of safety, Tri Nature’s powders contain lower alkalinity and toxicity levels, lowering the risk of poisoning or chemical burning. Strict qualities requirements and a concentrated nature, Alpha Plus boasts more than a third of the usage of average supermarket brands, averaging 40 cents per wash.