Object Next – a one-stop shop for education providers


Object Next is a consulting, software development outsourcing company that specialises in the field of international education. It has developed comprehensive capabilities across the functions of institutions involved in international education. Object Next works with clients to achieve higher efficiency in their businesses while significantly reducing their costs.

Object Next was recognised as an ABA100 Winner for Product Excellence and Best Software Product in The Australian Business Awards 2014 for Ascent One software.

Ascent One is a set of software models specifically designed for education providers around the world who are in the business of attracting international students. It is a one-stop shop for education providers to expedite the administrative burden of the journey of a student from enquiry to enrolment and combines all the elements essential to an international centre. It allows both direct online student applications and agent applications via a portal that is integrated with a central admissions database and allows both students and agents to lodge their applications, track their progress and lodge queries. Ascent One is also modularised to allow clients to pick only the functionality they require, removing the need to purchase superfluous components of a full system. Since 2010, Ascent One’s client base has expanded from three to 100 clients around the world.