Leighton Contractors instigates shift towards sustainability


Leighton Contractors has delivered some of Australia and New Zealand’s most iconic examples of infrastructure including roads, rail, ports, water storage and treatment facilities, airports and telecommunications infrastructure. With more than 14,000 people delivering over $13 billion worth of projects for clients across Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Botswana in Africa, Leighton Contractors offers a range of solutions including finance, project management, design and construction, right through to long-term operation and management. Recently, Leighton Contractors has been recognised as an ABA100 Winner for Sustainability in The Australian Business Awards 2014.

In 2013, Leighton Contractors instigated a significant shift in energy management, from a compliance program to one that proactively pursues efficiency outcomes within the business and its supply chain. To facilitate this initiative, the company developed a specific Group Energy and Efficiency Management Program to cover all aspects of energy management within the business, including a major energy reporting upgrade. Since, a range of other tools have been developed including an instant calculator for its sites to determine their energy and emissions footprints, a comprehensive energy assessment tracking tool, and a marginal abatement cost curve (MACC).

In addition to these metrics, Leighton has actively pursued opportunities for efficiency improvements across the country with initiatives such as the Solar and LED lighting upgrades at the Laverton Plant Yard, the adoption of vertical tyre transport to reduced diesel construction, and a commitment to improve efficiency across the board in Leighton offices. The Leighton Contractors Plant Department has continued to identify, measure and implement energy efficiency opportunities throughout their operations during the reporting period.