Amovita aims for customer satisfaction.


Focusing on human resources consultancy, management, mediation and training – Amovita Consulting services business, organizations and companies with its programs aimed to maintain a high standard of performance within businesses. The company employs a unique “Blue Ocean” philosophy across all its products and services, which are responsible for their high performance values.

Amovita understands that every business, individual and government organization is different, as such the company has created three service divisions to handle the variety of customers in its client base. These include, “Business consulting”, “People Management” and “Inspire: Training and Professional Development”.

The goal of the company is to inspire its clients thru its services, which include training programs, webinars, family and employee assistance support programs and corporate and executive coaching. Amovita also offers clients Educational DVDS, books and eBooks, and other professional services.

Amovita plans to employ new methods across all its products and services, that reduce stress, work fatigue and focusing on maintaining a positive and healthy workplace. For its clients in 2014 Amovita travelled 72,000kms and provided 6,000 hours of direct services.

Clients are offered 24/7, 365 support from Amovita via phone, responding to client issues within a 24 hour turn around. In 2015, Amovita has been recognised as an ABA100 Winner for Service Excellence in The Australian Business Awards.

Tracey Harris, Executive Director, Amovita said, “As an ABA100 Winner for Service Excellence, we are humbled that we have once again been recognised for the amazing work that we do in Australia and internationally.

“At Amovita Consulting our primary focus is our clients and customers, providing them with an exceptional experience that sets the blueprint for how we work together within their business to achieve superior business practices. Receiving this award is not just recognition for Amovita, it is an award that we proudly share with our clients and customers.

“I would also like to thank and acknowledge the Amovita team who do a lot of things brilliantly. Our team is strategically agile and are wildly passionate in what they do and they do this whilst developing and delivering a range of professional and tailor made services to meet the individual needs of all of our clients and customers.

“We would like to thank our valued clients and customers for their ongoing support of Amovita and recognition to our team that we continue to be an international leader in our field.” she added.