Mercy Health selects only the best.


The Catholic health group Mercy Health was founded by the Sisters of Mercy and employs 6,000 people, providing hospital care, mental health programs, women and baby’s health services, early parenting services, home and community care and aged care. Built on the Catholic virtues of caring for others, Mercy Health strives to look after its patients throughout its facilities.

The organisation provides new employees with No Excuses brochures, which details Mercy Health’s zero tolerance policy when it comes to bullying, harassment, and discrimination. Employees are offered hours of flexible work, time off, options to work from home, carers’ leave, Camp Australia School Holiday Program and part time opportunities.

All Mercy Health employees are required to complete an annual performance review. A part of this plan gives them the opportunity to upskill at levels ranging from short courses to tertiary qualifications. Salary reviews are made annually, but as a non-for-profit organisation Mercy Health has a limit on what sort of monetary awards and bonuses it can provide, however for what it lacks on this part it makes up in other areas. In 2015, Mercy Health has been recognised as an Employer of Choice in The Australian Business Awards.